Energy Therapy

Energy Therapy is a comprehensive therapy that addresses mind, body & soul as one unit. It may include but is not limited to guided imagery, energy medicine, understanding of emotions based on body ailments, color therapy and deep soul talk. In summary, it is a process that takes you to a deeper level of understanding your blockages and is driven by your desire to know the truth and remedy the issue at hand. Aids in areas of Shalom Bayit, releases emotional trauma, increases inner peace, expands spiritual growth and fulfillment, reduces anxiety and fears, rehabilitates emotional, physical and spiritual illness and strengthens self-love.

How Does Energy Therapy work?

Energy therapy does not require any personal meeting or formal interaction before or during the actual energy clearing session with RF. The information provided in this questionnaire and picture are used as energy modality connections to do the session with. This means that on the day of your energy session you do not need to make yourself personally available at any time or change your routine while the energy clearing is being done. 

If you are filling out the questionnaire in the name of someone else, please answer all questions as though they are filling it out themselves (ex. Their name, parental and sibling information, birthdate, traumas, health issues, etc.)

On the scheduled day of your energy session or latest by the following day, Rissie Farkas will leave you an audio voice note with the session summary report and all the findings of your energy session through the email or WhatsApp you provided. It will include all of the findings on the energy fields including emotional, spiritual, physical and mental blockages plus a review of what energy clearing has been used to help bring B’H relief and release.

It will be determined at the end of the first session how many more and how often future sessions will be needed. Generally, 3-5 additional sessions after the initial first session are required at regular intervals to complete the series and work through the emotions and energy blockages and layers. However, this is solely a guesstimate and without doubt varies from person to person. Some sessions may be scheduled once a week, others every other week, and some even once in three weeks. After the first series, it is suggested to schedule at least one additional follow up/maintenance session 2 weeks after in order to check the energy alignment and maintain the clearing that was given via the series. Some may need more than one recommended series and long term maintenance; all assessments and suggestions will be discussed and confirmed with the client.

After the first session, you will be asked if you wish to schedule the recommended series of sessions, they are not automatically scheduled unless confirmed by you. In the event that you wish to continue after the first session, you will need to decide whether you wish to schedule the entire series, we cannot schedule less than the number of recommended sessions per series, after the first session. You may be given exercises or meditations to help the clearing process. It is essential to do them for continual emotional and energy support and lasting results. You are not allowed to share the exercises or meditations with anyone else, they are strictly for you.

Mode of communication between sessions with RF: your questions, thoughts, and feedback after receiving your session audio report should be done via short concise communication via whatsapp text or audio or email writing or audio. Questions should be addressed in a separate audio or bullet point text in order to ensure focused attention and that they not be ‘lost’ in communication.


Regarding payment, please note that payment is required in advance of each session no later than 1 week before your scheduled date. Please ensure payment is done in a timely fashion. Please pay for one session at a time as is scheduled (not all sessions at once).

Each session cost is $150