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Tiger Eye Tumbled Stone

Tiger Eye Tumbled Stone

Regular price $3.99 USD
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Tigers Eye is a golden brown colored crystal that's believed to have numerous healing properties for both the mind and body.

In terms of physical health benefits, Tigers Eye may aid in treating disorders relating to eyesight such as tired or strained eyes. It might also be used for relieving certain neck, back & joint problems by energizing these areas which can improve circulation & flexibility overall.

Emotionally speaking Tigers Eye could provide beneficial effects on stabilizing emotions while aiding one's focus whether it is sustaining drive within specific aspects ofs of work including working longer hours painslessly evolving into greater time itself coupled with creativity genius spark present at any stages therein helping boost mental strength/self-confidence proutness fulfillment morale recognition leadership skillset endurance decision making relaxation

Overall, Tiger's eye provides potential uplifting effects for self-generated reward-based acitivies thus promoting steady personal growth and progress whilst paving way towards prosperity.
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