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Twelve Dimensions of Israel

Twelve Dimensions of Israel

Regular price $39.00 USD
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The Twelve Dimensions of Israel is a personal journey which evolved from scholarly research into the essence of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Based on Scriptural, Midrashic, Talmudic, and Kabbalistic sources, the Tribes here unfold into a matrix of spiritual and psychological archetypes, enriched by their respective correspondences to the months of the Jewish year, the sense, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the limbs of the body, and so on. In the course of her research, the author traveled to the land-inheritances of the tribes and meditated on the relevant material from sacred texts. Paintings, poetry, and prose (in the form of a spiritual travelogue) arose from this synthesis of knowledge and experience, which illustrate a very intimate and organic process of spiritual growth and healing. The result is a very informative and educational, yet also spiritual and personal book.

About the Author

Nechama Sarah Gila Nadborny Burgeman holds a Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi degree in cultural anthropology, with a minor in art history. After her world travels, she settled in Israel where she attended yeshivas in Safed and Jerusalem. She learned from a large array of great teachers. A chassida of the Nadvorna Rebbe zt''l from Bnei Brak, Nechama was privileged to receive life guidance from this great tzaddik (righteous person). An avid student of Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Nechama also attended many Shabbatons and lectures of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach z''l and Rav Mordechai Shineberger. She has studied from many Chassidic and Kabbalistic texts, including Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbes, the Zohar and the writings of the Ari z''l. Basing her knowledge on the writings of these great masters, Nechama Sarah Gila has written The Twelve Dimensions of Israel and Israel and the Seventy Dimensions of the World. She also paints and plays the harp. Nechama has been living in Israel for the past thirty-one years. She is currently living on Moshav Tarom where she holds retreats for women, teaches, counsels and continues to write, paint and play music. She and her husband are presently building their home on Moshav Tarom, in a pastoral and forested area not far from Jerusalem.
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